Trondheim Open 2022-23
Trondheimsmiljøet inviterer til enda en turnering på ærverdige Singsaker skole. Meld deg på her.
Exclusion of players from Russia and Belarus
Due to Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the board of the Norwegian Table Hockey Federation has decided not to allow any Russian or Belarusian players in Norwegian national tournaments. The decision is valid until further notice.
Norway Open 2022
The Norwegian Tablehockey Association and ITHF welcome you to Norway Open 2022 on Saturday 17th of September 2022 in Bryne, the host of the World Championships 2023.
Norgesmesterskap 2022
Norges Bordhockeyallianse inviterer nye og gamle spillere til Norgesmesterskap i Bordhockey på Bryne. For mer informasjon og registrering, besøk turneringssiden her.